Kuniaki Sasaki, Professor
Urban Planning, Transportation Engineering
- 1990 Bachelor; Kyoto University
- 1992 Master degree, Kyoto University
- 1998 Doctor degree, Kyoto University
- 1992 Research Associate, Nagoya University
- 1999 Associate Professor, University of Yamanashi
- 2000 Visiting researcher, University of Texas at Austin
- 2005 Visiting researcher, INRETS France
- 2005 Visiting expert, NCTS at University of Philippines, Dilliman
- 2011 Professor, University of Yamanashi
- 2018 Professor, Waseda University
Project themes:
Urban analysis usign simyulation and realtime data
Application of digital twin concept to policy making under abnormal situation
Themes of graduation thesis:
Fusion of behavioral modeling and big data for understanding urban life
Desirable urban policy for hyper aged society
Books Patents, etc.:
Analysis and modeling of travel behavior -theory, model, survey and application-, Giho-do
Will Ridesharing Change How People Live and Move?, IATSS-review, 42 (1), 30-37, 2017
Social activities:
Editor in chief, 41 department of Japanese Journal of JSCE
Executive of City Planning Institite of Japan
Member of Urban Planning Council, Tokyo metropolitan government
Member of Urban Planning Council, Yamanashi prefecture government